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Budding Herbalist Program Level 1

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Nurses & CNA's CLICK HERE to learn more about the program.

It’s a timeless story really…

One day, in the regular, or maybe not so regular, course of your life you discover that plants have so much more to offer than you ever realized.

Maybe you met someone who shared information or you used them to heal yourself or a loved one, or maybe they spoke to you on a hike or in a dream. And now, you are left with a curiosity that simply won’t subside. However you came to the plants, one thing is clear - you’ve entered into a relationship with the natural world and you’re in love! You’re filled with wonder, creative insight, and a deep desire to learn more, be more and do more with the plants.

The Budding Herbalist Program is so much more than an herbal course.

It designed to guide you on a journey of self discovery and insight. To open your heart and mind to the healing properties of the plants. To build right relationship with the natural world and to help you step into your place as Herbalist.

The Budding Herbalist program includes 7 core classes, 4 bonus classes, Plus, LIVE office hours with Gina and a supportive online community to ask questions and receive personal guidance and support.

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